Hardcover Hooligans

Two comedians read popular fantasy, sci-fi, and horror books.

About the show

There’s a lot of books out there. Good books. Bad books. Really bad books. Some books you might read some day, and some books you just want to know what all the fuss is about.

Join comedians Danylo Loutchko and J. McIntyre Godwin as they read, review, critique, and joke about popular fantasy, sci-fi, and horror books, every two weeks.

And yes, if you listen to us talk about a book, it counts as reading it and you can put it on your Goodreads.


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    Punching Even More Dogs (Mistborn - The Well of Ascension - Part 2/2)

    July 31st, 2023  |  1 hr 56 mins
    book, comedy, criticism, discussion, fantasy, geek, review

    Danylo and Mc lose their minds a little bit in this episode. They vent about how insane Brandon Sanderson’s writing choices are, and how his Mormonism seems to seep into every aspect of his writing.
    We’re sorry it’s so long. We hope it makes sense.

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    Punching the Dog (Mistborn - The Well of Ascension - Part 1/2)

    July 17th, 2023  |  1 hr 55 mins
    book, comedy, criticism, discussion, fantasy, geek, review

    Mc and Danylo start the second book in the Mistborn Trilogy. They finally feel like they’re reading a real book, except for the part when our hero inexplicably punches a dog in the head. And then it starts unraveling from there…

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    This Book is Like Waiting for a Train to Arrive (Mistborn - The Final Empire - Part 3/3)

    July 3rd, 2023  |  1 hr 29 mins
    book, comedy, criticism, discussion, fantasy, geek, review

    Danylo and Mc finish their read-through of Mistborn. They discuss its flaws, its weirdness, and what, if anything, this book is actually about. Hint: it’s not just cool metal magic.

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    A Tutorial for a Videogame You Never Play (Mistborn - The Final Empire - Part 2/3)

    July 3rd, 2023  |  1 hr 45 mins
    book, comedy, criticism, discussion, fantasy, geek, review

    Danylo and Mc continue their read-through of Mistborn. Mc finds the endless magic tutorials grating. Danylo starts to regret the decision to re-read a book he initially liked. They both ponder why people love this book so much.

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    The Most Recommended Fantasy Book (Mistborn - The Final Empire - Part 1/3)

    July 3rd, 2023  |  1 hr 18 mins
    book, comedy, criticism, discussion, fantasy, geek, review

    In our debut episode, we read a book that’s consistently recommended on the internet for anyone starting in the fantasy genre: Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson.